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Corregir Indicador

Publicado: 16 Mar 2024 02:56
por jvicente1
Buenas noches mi estimados (a)

Les solicito amablemente ayuda soy nuevo en esto y estoy aprendiendo quiero saber como cambiar o modificar un script creado y cambiarlo a uno mas pequeño o bueno trasladar valores y el script anterior que no se visualize quedo anteto muchas gracias anexo el codigo

indicator("📈📉Percentaje Volume", overlay = true)

// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// | INPUT |
// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// +++++++++++++++ Table Settings
var G1 = "Widget Settings"
// Timezone
timzon = input.string("GMT-5", "Timezone         ", inline = "0", group = G1, display = display.none)

// Table Colors
tBgCol = input.color(#000000, "", group = G1, inline = "0", display = display.none)
tTxCol = input.color(#ffffff, "", group = G1, inline = "0", display = display.none)

// Location
tablePos = input.string("Bottom Right", "Widget Location|Size",
["Top Right" , "Middle Right" , "Bottom Right" ,
"Top Center", "Middle Center" , "Bottom Center",
"Top Left" , "Middle Left" , "Bottom Left" ], inline = "1", group = G1, display = display.none)

// Size
tableSiz = input.string("Tiny", "",
["Auto", "Huge", "Large", "Normal", "Small", "Tiny"], inline = "1", group = G1, display = display.none)

// Cell Colors
upXCC = input.color(#0c9934, "Up | Down Volume       ", group = G1, inline = "4")
dnXCC = input.color(#ea1f1f, "", group = G1, inline = "4")
clrMd = input.string("Gradient", "     ", ["Solid", "Gradient"], group = G1, inline = "4", display = display.none)

// Space
space = input.bool(false, "Make The Volume Scale Bar Spaced", group = G1)

// +++++++++++++++ Technical Settings
var G2 = "Technical Settings"
// Timeframe
tFrm = input.timeframe("1S", "Lower Timeframe", group = G2, display = display.none,
tooltip = "Note:\nIf the selected timeframe is invalid (higher than chart)," +
"the indicator will automatically switch to 1 second.")

// Length
nRow = input.int(100, "Length", 1, 100, group = G2, display = display.none) + 2

// Volume OR Price Volume
iVol = input.string("Volume", "Size Type", ["Volume", "Price Volume"], group = G2, display = display.none)

// Flash
cFlsh = input.bool(true, "Enable a 3-Second Flash When the Latest Lot")
vFlsh = input.float(8, "          Volume Is Greater than Average", 1, 100, inline = "5", display = display.none,
tooltip = "When lot volume of selected timeframe is\n\n2 means 'Double Average'." +
"\n3 means 'Triple Average'.\n8 means '8 Times Average'.\n...etc")

// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// +++++++++++++++ Get Number of Strings Function
strVol (x) => str.tostring(x, format.volume)
strPvol(x) => str.tostring(x, "$##.00")
strTik (x) => str.tostring(x, format.mintick)

// +++++++++++++++ Declare Matrix
var mtx = matrix.new<float>(0, 5, na) // Lower Timeframe

// +++++++++++++++ Import Data
var timfram = timeframe.in_seconds(tFrm) > timeframe.in_seconds(timeframe.period) ? "1S" : tFrm
[cls, tim, vol, sBr] = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, timfram,
[close, time, iVol == "Volume" ? volume : hlc3 * volume, session.isfirstbar ? 1 : 0], true, ignore_invalid_timeframe = true)

var chg = 0
if cls.size() > 0 and cls.size() == tim.size() and cls.size() == vol.size()

sIdx = cls.size() - nRow < 0 ? 0 : cls.size() - nRow
eIdx = cls.size()

tim0 = tim.slice(sIdx, eIdx)
vol0 = vol.slice(sIdx, eIdx)
cls0 = cls.slice(sIdx, eIdx)
sBr0 = sBr.slice(sIdx, eIdx)

for i = 0 to cls0.size() - 1
cTim = tim0.get(i)
cVol = vol0.get(i)
cCls = cls0.get(i)
csBr = sBr0.get(i)

if mtx.rows() > 0
// Price Change
pCls = mtx.get(0, 2)
if pCls != cCls
chg := (cCls - pCls)/pCls > 0 ? 1 : -1

// Add new rows with values to Matrix
mtx.add_row(0, array.from(cTim, chg, cCls, cVol, csBr))

// Remove over rows from a Matrix
while mtx.rows() > nRow

// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// | TABLE |
// |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
// +++++++++++++++ Get Tbale Location & Size
locNsze(x) =>
y = str.split(str.lower(x), " ")
out = ""
for i = 0 to y.size() - 1
out := out + y.get(i)
if i != y.size() - 1
out := out + "_"

// +++++++++++++++ Get Volume Format
volForm(x) =>
iVol == "Volume" ? x > 999999 ? strVol(x) : str.tostring(x) : strPvol(x)

// +++++++++++++++ Get Timeframe Format
tfTxt(x) =>
out = x
if not str.contains(x, "S") and not str.contains(x, "M") and
not str.contains(x, "W") and not str.contains(x, "D")
if str.tonumber(x) % 60 == 0
out := str.tostring(str.tonumber(x)/60)+"H"
out := x + "min"
out := x

if (str.length(out) == 2 and str.contains(out, "1")) or str.contains(out, "1min")
out := str.split(out, "1").get(0)
out := out

// +++++++++++++++ Get Speed Info
speed(x1, x2) =>
var unit = if iVol == "Price Volume"
switch syminfo.type
"stock" => " Shares/"
"dr" => " Shares/"
"fund" => " Shares/"
"crypto" => " Coins/"
=> " Units/"

varip spMin = 0.0
varip spMax = 0.0
varip spTim = timenow

speed = barstate.isrealtime ? x1/x2 : 0

spMin := spMin == 0 ? speed : math.min(speed, spMin)
spMax := spMax == 0 ? speed : math.max(speed, spMax)

[volForm(math.round(speed, 6)) + unit + tfTxt(timfram),
volForm(math.round(spMin, 6)) + unit + tfTxt(timfram),
volForm(math.round(spMax, 6)) + unit + tfTxt(timfram),
str.format_time(spTim, "HH:mm:ss yyyy-MM-dd", timzon)]

// +++++++++++++++ Get Dynamic Scale Bar Color
colorLab(col, z) =>
R = color.r(col), G = color.g(col), B = color.b(col)

r1 = R / 255, g1 = G / 255, b1 = B / 255

cMax = math.max(r1, g1, b1)
cMin = math.min(r1, g1, b1)
dlta = cMax - cMin

h = 0.0
if dlta != 0
if cMax == r1
h := ((g1 - b1) / dlta) % 6
else if cMax == g1
h := (b1 - r1) / dlta + 2
else if cMax == b1
h := (r1 - g1) / dlta + 4

h := h < 0 ? (h * 60) + 360 : h * 60

l = (cMax + cMin) / 2
s = dlta != 0 ? dlta / (1 - math.abs(2 * l - 1)) : 0.0

// * Update Lightness *
l := (85 - 60.0/100.0 * z)/100
l := l > 1 ? 1 : l < -1 ? -1 : l

c = (1 - math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * s
x = c * (1 - math.abs((h / 60) % 2 - 1))
m = l - c / 2

r2 = 0.0, g2 = 0.0, b2 = 0.0
if h >= 0 and h < 60
r2 := c, g2 := x, b2 := 0
else if h >= 60 and h < 120
r2 := x, g2 := c, b2 := 0
else if h >= 120 and h < 180
r2 := 0, g2 := c, b2 := x
else if h >= 180 and h < 240
r2 := 0, g2 := x, b2 := c
else if h >= 240 and h < 300
r2 := x, g2 := 0, b2 := c
else if h >= 300 and h < 360
r2 := c, g2 := 0, b2 := x

color.rgb((r2 + m) * 255, (g2 + m) * 255, (b2 + m) * 255)

var out = array.new<color>(100, col)
if clrMd == "Gradient"
for i = 0 to out.size() - 1
array.set(out, i, colorLab(col, i))

// +++++++++++++++ Create Table
var table tbl = na
if mtx.rows() > 2
tbl := table.new(locNsze(tablePos), 102, 4, tBgCol,
tTxCol, 1, color.new(tBgCol, 100), space ? 1 : 0)

// +++++++++++++++ Get Cell Function
cell(col, row, txt, w, h, color, txtCol, tip) =>
tbl.cell(col, row, txt, w, h, txtCol, bgcolor = color, text_size = locNsze(tableSiz))
if tip != ""
tbl.cell_set_tooltip(col, row, tip)

// +++++++++++++++ Draw Table
if barstate.islast and not na(tbl)
table.clear(tbl, 0, 0, 101, 3)

upVol = .0
dnVol = .0
for i = 0 to mtx.rows() - 3
if mtx.get(i, 1) > 0
upVol += mtx.get(i, 3)
dnVol += mtx.get(i, 3)

span = (timenow - mtx.get(mtx.rows()-3, 0))/(1000 * timeframe.in_seconds(timfram))
smVol = upVol + dnVol
avVol = smVol/(mtx.rows() - 2)

// Up & Down Volumes Columns
cell(0, 3, "00000.000000", 0, 0.0001, color(na), color(na), "Total Up Volume")
cell(101, 3, "00000.000000", 0, 0.0001, color(na), color(na), "Total Down Volume")

///El detalle esta aqui
cell(0, 1, volForm(upVol), 0, 0, upXCC, tTxCol, "Total Up Volume")
cell(101, 1, volForm(dnVol), 0, 0, dnXCC, tTxCol, "Total Down Volume")
///// fin del detalle

cell( 0, 0, "UP", 0, 0, color(na), tTxCol, "Total Up Volume")
cell(101, 0, "DOWN", 0, 0, color(na), tTxCol, "Total Down Volume")

// Volume Dynamic Scale Bar
upStng = math.round(upVol/smVol * 100)
dnStng = 100 - upStng

var upCol = sColor(upXCC)
var dnCol = sColor(dnXCC)
for i = 0 to 99
cell(1 + i, 0, "", 0.3, 0, color(na), color(na), "")
cell(1 + i, 2, "", 0.3, 0, color(na), color(na), "")
cell(1 + i, 3, "", 0.3, 0.0001, color(na), color(na), "")
if i < upStng
cell(1 + i, 1, "", 0.3, 0, upCol.get(i), tTxCol, "")

if i < dnStng
cell(100 - i, 1, "", 0.3, 0, dnCol.get(i), tTxCol, "")

// Average Speed
[avgSp, minSp, maxSp, timSp] = speed(smVol, span)
table.merge_cells(tbl, 1, 0, 100, 0)
tbl.cell(1, 0, "Velocidad promedio " + avgSp, 0, 0, tTxCol, text_size = locNsze(tableSiz),
tooltip = "MAX Speed " + maxSp + "\nMIN  Speed " + minSp + "\n\n\nsince " + timSp)

// Bottom Info
table.merge_cells(tbl, 1, 2, 100, 2)
if barstate.isrealtime
cell(1, 2, "Total Vol " + str.tostring(smVol) +
"             Period = " + str.tostring(nRow-2) + " @ " + tfTxt(timfram),
0, 0, color(na), tTxCol, "")

// Flash
if cFlsh
varip spkTim = 0.0
varip spkDic = 0.0
varip spkVol = 0.0
lstVol = mtx.get(0, 3)
if lstVol >= avVol * vFlsh
dir = mtx.get(0, 1)
spkTim := timenow + 3000
spkDic := dir
spkVol := lstVol

if mtx.col(3).indexof(spkVol) != -1
if spkDic > 0
cell(0, 2, "+" + volForm(spkVol), 0, 0, color(na), tTxCol,
"Recorded - Most Recent at Once\nUp Volume is Graeter Than " + str.tostring(vFlsh) + " Times of Total Average Volume")
if spkDic < 0
cell(101, 2, "+" + volForm(spkVol), 0, 0, color(na), tTxCol,
"Recorded - Most Recent at Once\nDown Volume is Graeter Than " + str.tostring(vFlsh) + " Times of Total Average Volume")

if spkTim > timenow + 2000
tbl.set_bgcolor(spkDic > 0 ? color.new(upXCC, 25) : color.new(dnXCC, 25))
else if spkTim > timenow + 1000
tbl.set_bgcolor(spkDic > 0 ? color.new(upXCC, 50) : color.new(dnXCC, 50))
else if spkTim > timenow
tbl.set_bgcolor(spkDic > 0 ? color.new(upXCC, 75) : color.new(dnXCC, 75))

// Message
cell(1, 2, "⚠ Esta herramienta funciona durante el mercado en vivo", 0, 0, color(na), color.red, "")

var G3 = "IndicatorPanel"
size = input.string(size.small, title='Text Size', options=[size.normal, size.small, size.tiny], group='G3')

var IndicatorPanel = table.new(position.top_right, 2, 2, border_width=2)

if barstate.islast
//title Columns
table.cell(IndicatorPanel, 0, 0, text='UP ', bgcolor = color.new(color.green, 70), text_color = color.white, text_size = size)
table.cell(IndicatorPanel, 1, 0, text='DOWN ' , bgcolor = color.new(color.red, 70), text_color = color.white, text_size = size)

table.cell(IndicatorPanel, 1, 1, tooltip = 'dnVol', bgcolor = color.new(color.black, 50), text_color = color.white, text_size = size)
table.cell(IndicatorPanel, 0, 1, tooltip = 'upVol', bgcolor = color.new(color.black, 50), text_color = color.white, text_size = size)


Re: Corregir Indicador

Publicado: 16 Mar 2024 22:01
por gu5tavo71

1) Podrias ser mas concreto? Que es lo que quieres?
Quieres hacer un refactoring de de un script que funciona? Porque?

2) Podrias subir nuevamente el codigo? Ahora tiene multiples errores de indexado y no compila.
Utiliza el editor completo